About Dr. Lubkin

Dr. Hugh Lubkin
Personal History
Hugh Lubkin, D.C., California Chiropractic License D.C., # 18514, issued in 1987 and renewed continously since then.
Academic History
1972- 1975 Diablo Valley J.C., Pleasant Hill, California
1976-77 & 1978-79 University of California, Santa Cruz, California
1980 Gavilin J.C., Gilroy, California (Central Coast Counties Police Academy)
1982-1983 California State University, Hayward, California
1983-1987 Life Chiropractic College- West, San Lorenzo, California
1988-1990 Western States Chiropractic College- Chiropractic Orthopedics Program (320 hours). (Course qualifies graduates to sit for the D.A.B.C.O. examination and to be Board Eligible in Chiropractic Orthopedics)
1991 Texas Chiropractic College sponsored Clinical Pharmacology (100 hours).
1999-Present Combined coursework and training (100+hours) including: Whiplash Injury Biomechanics, Low Speed Impact Collision Reconstruction & Biomechanics and Basic Traffic Collision Investigation [Coursework and training: 1) San Diego Spine Institute and Texas A & M Engineering Department- Low Speed Rear Impact Auto Collision Reconstruction (20 hrs)… 2) American Academy of Manual Medicine and Texas A & M Engineering Department (32 hrs classroom, 8 hours out of class). 3) Basic Traffic Collision Investigation, Sacramento Regional Public Safety Center (40 hours). 4) LCCW- Whiplash and Spinal Trauma Course (12 hrs.) plus various courses from the Chiropractic Spinal Trauma program (additional 36+ hrs.) 5) University of California Riverside- Biomechanics of Low Speed Impacts (10 hrs.).]
Work History
1986-1987, Back to Health Chiropractic Clinic, Danville, California.
1987-1989, Danville Back Therapy Center, Danville, California.
1989-1990, Ward Chiropractic Center, Danville, California.
1990-1991, San Ramon Spinal Care Center, San Ramon, California.
1991- Present, Hugh Lubkin, D.C., Laguna Chiropractic, Elk Grove, California.
Current and Past Appointments, Training and Certificates
Appointed and Commissioned by the Governor of the State of California as a Professional Member, Board of Chiropractic Examiners, State of California (2007-2010).
Re-appointed and Commissioned by the Governor of the State of California as a Professional Member, Board of Chiropractic Examiners, State of California (2010-2014).
Vice- Chair, California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE), (01-10-2008-present).
Chair, Enforcement Committee, CBCE, (2007 to present).
Chair, Continuing Education Committee, CBCE, (2007-2008 and 2009 to present)
Chair, Scope of Practice Committee BCE, (2008 to present).
Award Recipient, Federations of Licensing Boards, "Special Presidential Recognition (FCLB), (2009)
Award Recipient, Federation of Licensing Boards, CBCE was Awarded "Best Board of the Year" by FCLB, (2010)
CBCE, Voting Delegate, Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) (2007- present)
CBCE Voting Delegate, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) (2008-present).
Appointed, Examination Commissioner and Expert Examiner, CBCE, (1994-1997).
Chair, Federation of Licensing Boards Committee on Consent to Treat.
Appointed, Examiner, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (1997-2004).
Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management (1991-2006).
Elected by Board of Directors to Vice President, International Chiro. Association of California [ICAC] (2007-2009)
Elected to Board of Directors, International Chiropractic Association California, (2005-2007).
Appointed, Qualified Medical Evaluator, State of California IMC (2003 to present).
Certificate of Completion, Basic Traffic Collision Investigator. POST, (2002).
Certificate of Completion, Background Investigator, POST, (2002).
Certificate of Completion, Under to Influence of Narcotics, POST, 11550 H&S (2005).
Certified, Industrial Disability Evaluator (1991).
Past Member, Elk Grove Health Advisory Committee/Board.
Retired Level One Reserve Police Officer, State of California (1980-2008).
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